Wasteware 00
Prologue: Cloud Cover
The stillness of the dark night was shattered by the high-pitched whine of the alarm system ringing throughout the complex.
Amaya's eyes jolted open as the sound waves frantically bounced off the gray walls of her bedroom. They forced themselves into her ears like drummers heralding the coming war. The noise rattled her brain from its slumber. Her brown eyes scanned the darkened room and landed upon the crimson glow of the digital clock. Blinking to bring the numerals into focus: 23:11.

Wasteware 01
01: Preparedness is Next to Godliness
The bombs fell five years ago. Five years nine days to be exact. Making the date Jan 1st, the ringing in of a New Year. The residents of Carbon Block hadn't celebrated the New Year since Cloud Cover. In fact, for the past five years, holidays came and went without too much of a passing thought. People thought they didn’t have much to celebrate about. Chapter One: Preparedness is Next to Godliness
Amaya Reeves did not include herself among those people.

Wasteware 02
02: The Bears Leave the Den
At 07:00 hours, on a slightly raised dais at the front of the Throne Room, Sean Arlis Reeves sat surrounded on both sides by two half-circle desks with touchscreen control panels. The Commander's imposing frame dwarfed the metal swivel chair he sat upon. His face, with its hard lines, looked out over his security team.

Wasteware 03
03: Keep the Magic
"Point blank, we need to get that door working," Preston told Enrique Moltaban, head of the maintenance crew. He and Amaya were standing in the corridor by the open panels of the blast door, checking up on any progress Enrique and his crew had made.

Wasteware 04
04: You Should Be
She felt the cloth that had previously been tied over her face loosen as it was removed. Amaya opened her eyes to take in her surroundings but an intense light forced her to shut them tight. Even closed, the light was sharp against her eyelids, causing a red flame to dance across them. She sat still, hoping the light bleeding through would allow her pupils to adjust.

Wasteware 05
05: You Can’t Make Tactical Decisions about People You Care For
Amaya woke from her dream drenched in sweat. Phantom pain lingered where the creature had closed its claws around her throat as it always did when the reptilians infiltrated her dreams. Like each time before when she woke she forced herself to examine her body to make sure she had not been burned, cut, or beaten in the real world.

Wasteware 06
06: I’m Alive To Wear Them
Not long after lunch, Amaya found herself in a similar office having another meeting, this time with Commander Reeves. She sat in an armless gray chair opposite of him, giving her report. “Dr. Hollis agreed. He’ll have his committee selection to you by tomorrow morning.”
Commander Reeves was relaxed, leaning back in his leather office chair speaking with his daughter. “He didn’t give you any arguments?”

Wasteware 07
07: I Know You
12:45, Amaya left the armory with her Mauser M2 side arm and extra clips on her duty belt. Slung across her chest was a Heckler & Koch 416 D20RS assault rifle. Amaya had chosen the longer barreled version to increase the kill range of the 5.56 X 45mm NATO rounds. The pack on her back held a mini survival kit, a first aid kit, and emergency rations. She looked ready for war, a stark contrast to the escort mission planned for the day, but the kit was necessary. A contingency plan in case the Block had to be locked down for any reason while they were outside.